Well, of course we have the money, this important thing only adults know about.
If you think it is not important,
1) You could be (or your parents are) filthy rich.
2) You are not an adult, your still a kid getting allowance from your dad.
3) You are a caveman back in the olden days still having faith in your wooden bat for dinner.
Aside from clothing, shelter and air, existence require money, furthermore in contacts of Singapore.
Even clothing needs money, so its in the initail necessity for life, QUESTION: Is there anywhere in the world that has a high room temperature in the night: What I'm getting at is, can we live somewhere where there is no need for clothing, EVEN in the night. If that is possible, living without clothing is a possibility, I understand that the desert's temperature at night is unbearable.
Well where I'm getting at on this post is that, it will be funny to people to hear that you treat other things as important as money, one formidable match will be time.
Try saying this to someone when your are booking an appointment with them, you are their customer:
"I wouldn't want you to disturb my afternoon, I like to squeeze my morning to accomodate you"
Of course, the norm would say: "So arrogant/action/chesty like a peacock" but well you have to understand that you have not value time as much. With time my friends... we are at a LOSING war, i get pretty emotional when I think about time. I can never get it back, I'm such a loser.
But if you manage your time, you still waste it nonetheless, but it will be for a cause, you could relate it closely to "sacrifice". You have to have an emotion when it comes to this, then you will FEEL how precious time is. And if you could, YOU WILL BUY TIME. That is the ultimate-ultimate (linked to other ultimate-ultimate)
Hope this helps.
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