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Fixate focus exclusive obsessive attAch stable pay heed give ear atteNd mesmerise

06 December 2009


Well, I am the most demanding person I know... If you think you are demanding, you ain't seen nothing yet.
(I will kindly ask what you can do for me, after understanding that, I will ask whether they can do this, this, and this and until they say "Oh, we can't do that", but it does not stop there, I will still ask "Why not?", "Wouldn't it be better if you can provide this, this and this?"
I will also write feedback form to improve their system and as a whole, improve MY experience with them.
You can see me as a complaint-freak.
I can see myself as the customer that is the biggest investment these companies serving me has.
I will improve their system so that EVERY single person will want their service. :)

Well, I am also the most stubborn person I know... If you think you are stubborn, you'll be laughing at how stubborn I can get.

I want quick fast done now, instant. NOW NOW NOW!
A second to me is like forever if the thing I want done is not done.
I want fast cheap good, great would me better but I will compromise since it's already fast and cheap.
As a result, I want the service that I provide just the same, seamless and with ease. :)

Feedbacks will show how demanding I am: Tonnes of letters sent. This is the latest to DBS Bank, that's Development Bank of Singapore:

06/12/2009: 0145-0200
I chose Complaint rather suggestion cause I want them to take this seriously.
Do you know I am your customer? Do you value me? Show it, cause I ain't feeling it.Well, I could take my few cents to the next bank. :)
Actual letter sent: (as below)

06/12/2009: 0145-0200
I tried to log in to iBanking but I got "Service not available. Please try again later" so I check on the schedule maintenance but at this time and date, there wasn't any scheduled maintenance. So I called up your hotline(I've waited for 15 mins for the next available customer service officer, machine says next available officer will be in approximately 6 mins, after 6 mins, she said another 6 mins, after which she said 2 minutes, after which she said again, 2 mins and finally someone attended to me) and the customer service officer said because you do this in the night at an unspecified timing.
Well, could you include that as well in your schdule maintenance list, tell us that if it happens please try again after an hour (as mentioned by the customer service officer).
Your message: "Service not available. Please try again later" does not suffice.Please include this because it helps, at least for me it does:"We apologize for any inconvenience caused."
It is 0210, and I still have no access.
Thank you.
Sincerest regards.


And when you put me on hold, I demand that you say "thank you for holding" since it's the norm practice corporate uses, I rather you apologize. You might not value time as much as me, I suppose. And each time if you do not say "thank you" I will be wondering why you didn't, on the other side.

Well, as you can see when I'm pissed, (emotionally HOT) I'll do anything and everything I can to improve the current situation, in all situation. I'm driven for a solution every single time. I want to BE the last person to complain. I want the system to be perfect or go as far as it can for customers. I want their ease of mind. Simply said: I'm a perfectionist.