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Fixate focus exclusive obsessive attAch stable pay heed give ear atteNd mesmerise

21 October 2009


Eventually... (Thinking about the best specific time to earn)
I want to earn when:
I am sleeping,
in the toilet doing my business, (business running when running the "big" business, LOL)
making others happy with this thing called life,
having fun & laughing and when I'm crying (if I ever),
having a bad day,
when it rains and shine,
when I'm still breathing and also when I stop, (I hope to have somebody already assigned and waiting to rip all my earnings by then)
busy doing something I'm passionate about,
I'm not thinking about earning,
hungry and stuffed,
living my life and not thinking about work at all,
basically, earning when I'm not suppose to working hard to earn!
(I can't think of anything else)
((Yes, I can will continue dreaming, thank you))
(((I always believe the mind is standing inbetween me and these dreams)))