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Fixate focus exclusive obsessive attAch stable pay heed give ear atteNd mesmerise

09 July 2009


Sincerity is key. (Well, now that I think about it, willingness to share is also a childkey (: [anak kunci] )

Can anything beat that?

Although you can be great at manipulating "oblivious" others, its sincerity that will shine through you at the end of the day.

If you let yourself flow through them, they will let you flow in...

Case Study: Relationship
Why do your partner wants you to do things in a certain way, or even more seriously, behave and be in a certain way?
Do not just follow for their sake of happiness, it will not bring YOU happiness (in the long run), instead... find meaning to why (ask them why), find reason, understand it and if you agree with it, do it then both of you will experience happiness.