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09 July 2009

Letting Go

It only best to practice letting go.

Master the skill to be fearless.

Case study: Pen
When writing with a pen, if you hold it tightly= after a period of time you will cramp your fingers, experience pain and will temporarily be unable to write.
If you hold the pen gently, with ease= the ink will ooze out and you can write for an extended period of time with no pain at all and you might even enjoy writing.

-That is why smooth writing pens sells more than the non-smooth ones-

Case study: Steering wheel
You want to be and you need to control the car, but you are taught time and again to NOT hold the steering wheel tightly. Loosey goosey. :)

Practice letting go one item in your life one a a time. Be ready and prepared or be prepared to experience some pain.