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21 June 2009

Singapore 24 Hour Duplicate Key Locksmith Service

Peace everyone. ---This research took 1hr45mins---

When Google failed, I turned to 30 of my friends asking:

"peace.. need some help.. you know any place that i can go right now to duplicate my keys? maybe 24-hour?" (this managed to hang my MSN for awhile)

Although most of them do not know, these are some of the valid answers:

1) Try Googling it.
= Which I already did, sms the guy-96161760- and he said it closed at 10pm.

2) Yishun interchange
= If I had no other choice because I live in Bedok (East). Unconfirmed.

3) hmm...not sure man...maybe mustapha in little india? since it is 24hr and a shopping centre..maybe got such service?
= 62955855 (say thank you to my dad's landline), called and she said "Maybe in the future". LOL

4) try this number 67816781
= He mumbled a few words then hanged up on me.
try this number dude. 9099 9099
= The same guy, only more audible this time, no, he don't do key cutting.

5) 24hrs ?? no choice unless u call my boss friends
= Called, Opens 1pm-9pm. Location Bedok Central NTUC beside Mr. Bean (free advertisement).

6) ahhh u try see this one haha dunno whether will help.. u call jer.. 9191 8383
= Bukit Batok, close at 9pm (free advertisement). (MOCCA!)

7) 98 373 373
= Woodlands. Moving "key" van. $10 bucks for duplication of car keys (free advertisement). (MOCCA!)

1 is by Hafiz, ex NS mate and Puan Saviola, ex Class mate, Nadiana, ex class mate, Salwa, internet buddy
2 is an indian girl who also think Nina Varghese is pretty
3 is by Andrew Choong, my internet buddy and Faris Fong and Siti and re_na and ain shan min and Hafiz LexyDucky
4 is by Halim, ex Class mate
5 is by Karen, my "hopefully" soon-to-be teacher
6 is Puan Saviola, ex Class mate
7 is Puan Saviola, ex Class mate

So what's the moral? When Google fails, try Mocca!

Thanks everyone..